Friday, December 28, 2012

Xmas, Year end, snooZe, and the Alphabets are Over!

Christmas is over, and today, my work this year is also over.  I'm going to have a winter vacation!!  I couldn't wait for this days off.  Ah, November and December were quite busy.  I really needed a vacation.  

This will be the final update of this year, so I decided to quit this alphabetical order system. It just makes writing harder since I cannot come up with good topics in many cases.  I'm going to keep writing from time to time, hopefully more often, but I will choose whatever topic I would like to write about.  

To start my holiday, I'm going to visit Hakone tomorrow.  Me and R started to like onsen (hot spring) a lot this year.  It will be very nice to soak myself into a hot bath, especially in this temperature (6 degrees maximum during the day).  The weather is not really promising, but I hope we can see Mt. Fuji.  We have been trying to capture a nice picture of this big mountain since summer, but no luck yet.  (I once saw Fuji-san from the train, so it shouldn't be very difficult.) 

Have a happy New Year!  

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