Sunday, November 21, 2010

H for "Honestly"

I don't usually use the word "honestly," but probably it's a good idea to increase my vocabulary. So today, let me talk "honestly" what in my mind. (Say it with rising intonation, just like how teenagers say.)

Honestly, I think today's my grammar lesson was quite successful.
Honestly, my first trial lesson as a tutor with kids was fun although I had half expected to fail.
Honestly, I think dad shouldn't have called grand dad early in the morning because it would have just annoyed my aunt.
Honestly, chocolate is too seductive these days.
Honestly, I have bitter-sweet feelings about my visit to Vancouver in December.
Honestly, I really like Emma Watson.
So honestly
, I was delighted when my friend told me that I have some similarities in characteristics with Hermione Granger.
Honestly, I still think about my ex, but honestly, I think he doesn't the way I do. (How sad.)
Honestly, I have to start studying seriously for the test.
Honestly, Dali Lama's words often touch me.
Honestly, my bedroom is far uncomfortably colder than my brother's.
And honestly, I'm VERY glad that tomorrow is Sunday and I have no plans!

Now, you try! ;)

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