Tuesday, January 4, 2011

N for "New Year"

As I mentioned before, I'm having trouble finding the topics that follow alphabetical order and inspire me to write journals. This time, it was a great timing to come to "N" today. Yes, it's a new year now! I spent great Christmas and New Year in Vancouver, the land of my dream, with my wonderful friends. I decorated a real (not artificial that is) Christmas tree, watched Harry Potter movie in the theatre, went snowshoeing, dined at a nice bar/restaurant, chatted with friends, got a dream catcher and an old ring, and made gyoza for Christmas Eve :) I was tired all the time because of jet lag and doing so much in a short time, but I think I managed to do most of the things I had wanted to do. On my way home, it was much easier than usual to fall asleep on that uncomfortable seat on the plane(and I was between two people).

In the new year, first, I have to cope with Eiken exam that I applied long ago.... Much more preparation is needed very soon.....!! That's why I'm writing again. These days, I really feel that my writing skills has become worse so rapidly. When I took IELTS, the writing score was the worst. So I need more work on it. For reading, I might be able to train myself by reading novels in English. I'm reading The Devil Wears Prada before I go to sleep. I hope it helps a bit.....

I don't usually make new year's resolutions because I know I will forget them soon. These are not resolutions, but let me tell you somethings that I want to do in this year.
-take up exercising regularly
-buy a new computer, hopefully Mac Book
-keep applying jobs in Canada
-trip to Vancouver in summer

The last one just came up yesterday. My visit to Vancouver was enjoyable, but not as emotional as I had expected. It actually made me think twice about going back to Canada. But after a lot of thinking and recalling the memories, I now feel like travelling to that city again, hopefully soon. Sad thing is however often I go back there, it won't help me to settle down in that country. A visit is a visit. If I wish to immigrate, I have to go through all process according to the law. No shortcuts. All I should do is to keep looking and applying for the positions in Canada.

I'm still tired from the trip. I have never known that my bed could look this comfortable...I want to dive in right away...zzz

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