Wednesday, July 13, 2011

K for "Kitchen"

These days, I rarely work in the kitchen.  I should pack my lunch everyday, but just I don't feel like doing it.  It usually takes 45 minutes in the evening, before I go to bed.  I come home late, so naturally I have a little time for myself everyday.  I don't feel good about sparing three quarters of an hour for cooking when I'm tired.  But I have been slacking off and buying lunch at convenience stores for a week, it's about time for me to be diligent again...

I like to be in the kitchen, though.  But not as much as the girl does in the story called "Kitchen" by Banana Yoshimoto.  Have you ever read this story?  I like Yoshimoto's works, but this is one of my favorites.  I think I have read this piece more than 10 times.  Funny thing is, Yoshimoto's way of thinking, which is embedded in each character's lines, really touches me when I'm in trouble.  "Kitchen" is her first work.  She has written numbers of  stories and essays, and I have read many of them,  but I still prefer this story than the ones that came lately.  I have the English translation, so I'm going to lend it to my British friend.  Hope she likes it.

By the way, the green curtain at my bedroom window is growing healthily (thanks to my mom's loving care).  Now it has enough length as a curtain, so the only thing it needs is to spread it's vines sideways!


  1. 青空に緑の葉が美しいね!

  2. へ〜。
